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Mercury In Vedic Astrology

Mercury in vedic astrology :Mercury is the planet of intelligency, calculative, it is a dual planet and governs two zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo.,mercury is the only planet which is exalted in its own sign I.e virgo and debilitated in pisces. It is very nearest to the sun in solar system. A strong mercury makes the native active,intelligent, youthful, versatile. Mercury is the significator of communication,education, business, friends, speech, mathematics, brokerage, journalism, banking, astrology, skin, lawyer, publisher, writers The IQ level of a person depends upon the strength of mercury in the chart. Whenever mercury is placed in his own sign or it's Exaltation sign, in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house in the chart it forms a very good yoga known as bhadra panch mahapurush yoga which makes a person intelligent. A weak and malefic mercury gives problems like of nerves, brain, skin diseases, stammering problems, sexual weakness like impotency in males which is erectyle dysfunctional...Har har mahadev..

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