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Venus in Vedic astrology

Venus in vedic astrology :venus represents liquid money, luxurious stuff, pleasures, luxurious vehicles, spouse in a male chart.. Venus is the most luminous planet of the solar system, planet of beauty and relationships, natural Significator of 7th house  I. e marriage, it signifies, media, t. V industry, writing skills, cinema.. It is also known as godess of love, marriage and beauty.. Venus is the only planet whose placement in the 12th house is considered beneficial, if a good Venus is placed in the 4th house, the native may endowed with huge luxurious houses and vehicles. Saturn and mercury are the friends of Venus.,it is the Lord of Taurus and libra sign, Venus exalted in pisces sign and debilitated in Virgo sign..Thanks har har Mahadev..
Position of Venus in Horoscope:
Venus indicates the person's physical relations, comforts and the attitude of the life partner. A well placed Venus ensures a happy married life of the native, so it is necessary to have a good position of Venus in the horoscope.
1. If the debilitated Venus is in the Kendra or triangle house, then its debilitated position can be negated.
2. If Venus is exalted in the Navamsa, it gives a distinguished life partner and if it is Vargottam, it gives a cultured life partner.
3. In the context of marriage, Sun is the enemy of Venus, if they are in conjunction with Aries or Scorpio, then in their dasha, there can be divorce.
4. Venus between two malefic planets gives separation from spouse.
5. It is not auspicious to have the fourth, eighth, twelfth inauspicious planet from Venus.
6. According to Maharishi Parashar, Venus should not be afflicted by inauspicious planets.
7. Venus posited in Aries, and Scorpio sign can give trouble in married life, Venus in the signs of Mars can give immoral life and loss of reputation to the native. Therefore it is necessary to have the aspect of auspicious planet on it.
8. Venus in Cancer makes the person very sensual, if it is also in Cancer or Gemini in Navamsha (D-9), then the person may also fail to control his sexual behavior.
9. Ascendant or Moon in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house from Venus creates dissatisfaction in married life.
10. The conjunction of Rahu with Venus makes a secret love affair and the conjunction of Venus with Ketu makes the person very sensual.
11. Combination of Venus, Mars and Rahu gives relationship with another person.

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